- Effective Feb 1, 2024 our pricing and some policies have changed, and all orders will require quotes. Please refer to our 2024 MTI Pricing and Updates PDF emailed to you in Dec 2023 or if you are a new customer, please request a copy.
- Once your project is ready to move forward, please request a quote from our Sales Department at
- Please allow up to 24 hours for a quote to be turned around, though typically we turn around same day.
- You asked, we listened......Embossing quotes will have a 90 day (vs 30 day) price guarantee. Tooling quotes have a 30 day price guarantee. Pricing is based on the date your parts are received at our factory and will be reflected as the date on your confirmation "Sales Order." On new tooling, certain tooling can be made without parts being in-house. In that instance, you will receive a "Sales Order" within 1 business day of sending your PO and pricing will be based on that date. But in all instances, the date on your "Sales Order" is the date we use for pricing and that RFQs should be expiration dates should be gauged upon.
- New tooling & job inquiries should be directed to Sales@MorseTechInc.com and Robs@Morsetechinc.com and
Engineering@MorseTechInc.com contain the following:
- Tooling Specs
- Customer Name
- Part Number or Name,
- Drawing Number
- Revision #’s or dates,
- Sheet Size
- Type of material
- Thickness of Material
- Height of emboss
- Type of Emboss - braille, pillow emboss, dome emboss, raised lettering, etc)
- How many Up
- A PDF of the print for our Sales Department. Drawings should contain a minimum of 2 registration target alignments no closer than ½” from edge with a flood coat behind them. (please refer to our guidelines previously sent to you or email sales@morsetechinc.com to receive a copy)
- An Art file for our Engineering department (Typically we require AI version 10 or lower or an EPS file but we also accept DXF, DWG, STL and PDF)
- Depending on the project you’ll be contacted by someone from either our sales or engineering department to answer your questions or gather more information.
Placing your order:
- All orders require a Purchase Order (ie PO). Most of the information needed for your purchase order can be found on your quote.
- Please view our "Shipping" link for important packing and other shipping instructions.
- Please note that sheets must be received on the same day to be part of the same PO. We may accept larger orders on more than 1 day as long as they are shipped on the same day, arrive within 5 business days of the original order and we are notified in advance.
- Once an order has been received by us and we issue a Sales Order to you, additional sheets will need to be issued under a separate PO number.
- When your order has ships, please send a PDF copy of your Purchase Order (PO) along with your carrier and tracking # to our Sales Department at
sales@morsetechinc.com . This will allow us to plan our workload and labor load out in advance so we can keep jobs turned around more efficiently.
POs should contain the following information:
- Our MTI quote number.
- Your company name, company address, telephone, email and fax
- Name, email and telephone number of person making the request
- Please include the information contained on our Quote on your PO,
- Include the Job Name and Part Number. Your tooling will be matched to this.
- Number of Sheets you are sending (we bill by the sheet not by the number of parts), including a minimum of 3 set-up sheets.
- NOTE: Any usuable set up sheets will be returned and invoiced to customer.
- Please include any handling charges. We charge an 11% handling charge (11% of emboss + punching costs) for sheets that contain protective paper between them.
- Shipping Information - please indicate the carrier you want us to use, method – red, blue, orange, ground, etc., and account number to bill. If billing a 3rd party we will need the company name, address, zip and their account number.
- Standard tooling turnaround is typically 2 business days from point material is received in-house with purchase order, approved drawing and production sample.
Turn-Around / Lead Times
- If you have a specific in-house deadline you are trying to meet, please indicate that and we will do our best to meet that deadline.
- Please allow sufficient shipping plus embossing and/or die cutting time for your order when requesting your in-house date.
- Requests for RUSH JOBS with a hard in-house deadline - Please make certain we are aware of your deadline. Rush Jobs may occasionally be approved for rush status for an additional charge. Rates will depend on: type/difficulty of job (standard or custom, emboss or tooling), amount of work in-house (job cannot delay another customers deadlines), labor available (for extra shifts or to run additional machines), and if quality of work would be affected by rushing the job, If approved, we offer Red (1 day, 24 hour), Blue (2-day, 48 hour) and Orange (3-day, 72 hour) rush job options. Please send requests to our sales department at
sales@morsetechinc.com. We will do our best to accomodate you. Please note that Rush Jobs will be ready by the agreed upon hard deadline or no rush charge will be charged. .
- Standard Tooling Lead Times - Standard tooling turnaround is typically 2 business days from point material is received in-house with your purchase order, approved drawings (and PDF print) and production sample. (Additional time may be required for the forming of your sheets). Standard Lead Times are not guaranteed.
- Standard Embossing Lead Times - Standard embossing turnaround is typically 24 hours for up to 300 sheets and 48 hours for up to 1000 sheets once material is received in-house. An estimated ship date will be provided on your Confirmation Sales Order. Standard Lead Times are not guaranteed.
- Custom embossing turnaround varies. An estimated ship date will be provided on your Confirmation Sales Order.
- All tooling is the property of MTI and held for the exclusive use of the Customer.
- Sheets larger than 20” x 27” or 540 Square Inches are considered to be oversized
- Dies / Tools over 19” x 26” or 494 Square Inches are considered to be oversized
- Once your order is received in-house, our Sales Department will provide you with a written confirmation Sales Order which will re-iterate all of the information on your Purchase Order along with pricing and estimated ship date.
- Pricing may be adjusted if sheet count does not match the PO or if other items received or work performed does not match up to the PO.
- Please review the Sales Order for accuracy and if anything needs to be adjusted please notify our Sales Department at sales@morsetechinc.com.
- When shipping to our factory, please make sure you use shipping materials that they are sturdy boxes that are taped and packaged well (inside and out) and can make the journey roundtrip from our factory and back to yours. We are a green shipping facility and re-use the shipping materials you send to us back out to you.
- When shipping to our factory, please make sure that your materials fit in your box / crate with sufficient extra depth to allow for formed sheets to be returned to you.
- We do not charge a packing or handling fee for turning around orders unless shipping boxes/packaging materials are unusable.
- Please make sure to provide our sales department with your preferred carrier and your account number with that carrier.
- Please make sure to provide our sales department with the name and email address of who you want shipping notifications to go to.
- Our shipping department will provide a tracking number to you direct through the carrier you chose, once your order is complete and shipping back to you.
- If you have questions, please contact
Sales@MorseTechInc.Com or Shipping@MorseTechInc.Com
- Please make sure to keep your contact information current with our AR department (name of person to invoice, email and telephone number).
- Our AR department will invoice your AP contact, upon completion of your job (ie when tooling is complete, when emboss is complete, and/or when a partial if requested).
- Invoices will be sent via email in PDF.
- There is a minimum invoice charge for emboss &/or punching..
- Orders that need to be returned to customers without forming or embossing services reasons will be charged the minimum invoicing charge (ie targets not printed properly or missing,
- Jobs that are returned to customers due to issues not related to our work will be charged our minimum charge.
- For Credit Terms please see New Customers Tab.
- Statements are available upon request.
To set up your account in our system and to move forward with your first order, we will need the following information….
- Your Company Name & Address
- Work & Fax Numbers
- Company URL
- Buyer/Purchasing Contact – Name, Number and email
- Art Department Contact – Name, Number and email.
- AP Contact – Name, Number and email
- Preferred Carrier and Account #
- Completed Credit Card Authorization Form (please request from sales@morsetechinc.com) – NOTE: All new accounts are COD
- Your Account # will be located on your first invoice
- Terms: COD for first year. Customer may then apply for credit with terms of Net 30; Accounts late more than 3 times in a 12 month period are subject to COD Terms
- Payments can be made by ACH, most credit cards, money wire, check or cash.
- Checks should be Made Payable to "Morse Technologies, Inc."
- Checks should be mailed to – MTI Form-X, Attn: AR Dept, 3195 Red Hill Avenue, STE H, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
- We invoice in PDF by email upon completion of each job. We will provide statements upon request.
If you are interested in any of the following positions, please email us with your resume at jobs@morsetechinc.com
Morse Technologies / Form-X is an established Costa Mesa Company in Southern California and is accepting resumes for the following positions:
- Embosser
Employment type: Part Time Flexible & Full Time (Shifts Monday to Friday, 9 to 5:30 pm includes 1/2 hour lunch and two 15-minute paid breaks).
Type of Employer: Manufacturing
Education Requirement: Minimum High School Graduate or Equivalent
Managing others: No
Relocation: No
Industry: Embossing
Required Travel: No
Job Description:
- Will train. Forming/Embossing Membrane Switch Graphic and Circuit Sheets. Must enjoy repetitive work. Job entails prioritizing orders. Reading sales orders, pulling the appropriate tooling and setting it up on the machine(s). Measuring of heights of embossed parts to conform to spec. Completing first article sheets and other paperwork related to the job. Keeping customer jobs in order and clean. Providing sales department with sales order once completed, and turning over completed parts to the shipping department. Sometimes responsible for receiving jobs from customers through the front door or shipping couriers through the shipping dock. Sometimes responsible for unboxing of jobs, bagging and labeling of jobs, and providing paperwork (purchase orders) to Sales Department.
- Able to read and understand work instruction in English.
- Have a cell phone and know how to text. Some positions are remote and require texting people in remote positions.
- Knowledge of measuring equipment helpful but will train (Micrometers, Calipers and Rulers)
- Good math skills.
- Good communication skills.
- Self-Starter a plus
- This job position is an active position and requires moderate lifting of up to 50 lbs. Standing for extended periods at a machine. Must be able to listen and follow instructions well. Must have a higher than average attention to detail. Be organized. Responsible. Friendly. There will be some interaction with customers or delivery drivers dropping/picking up orders. May be required to operate machinery with bright, flashing lights and/or imagery that may cause discomfort and/or seizures for those with photosensitive epilepsy.
- Job Type: Full-time
- Salary: $16 to $25 / hour based on experience level
- Other Compensations: 1 week paid vacation (2 weeks after 5 years), 5 Sick Days, Paid holidays (if UPS/FedEx closed we are closed)
- Experience: Manufacturing Experience helpful but will train right individual
- Pay Frequency: Weekly
Floater: Shipping and Punching
Employment type: Part Time Flexible & Full Time (Shifts Monday to Friday, 9 to 5:30 pm includes 1/2 hour lunch and two 15-minute paid breaks).
Type of Employer: Manufacturing
Education Requirement: Minimum High School Graduate or Equivalent
Managing others: No
Relocation: No
Industry: Embossing
Required Travel: No
Job Description:
- Will train. Receive incoming orders through shipping couriers (UPS/FedEx) at shipping dock. Some interaction with customers who deliver their own parts. Unbox orders. Place orders into plastic bags and label. Date stamp purchase orders and add required information to the paperwork as provided to you by management. Give Purchase Orders to Sales Department who will provide a Sales Order. Pull tooling for the orders. If order requires punching, then punch the job, check for accuracy of Purchase Order(PO) and Sales Order) ie number of sheets, number of punches, paper between the sheets, any discrepancies, sheets needing to be cut, etc. Once job is punched or if order does not require punching, move order to the Embossing Department with the appropriate tooling. Clean shop during down times. When jobs are complete, provide Sales department with Signed off sales order. When packing slips are ready, professionally package orders ready to ship. Create computer generated shipping labels on UPS/FedEx platforms. Move orders ready to ship to shipping dock by couriers deadlines each day.
- Able to read and understand work instruction in English.
- Have a cell phone and know how to text. Some positions are remote and require texting people in remote positions.
- Basic math skills.
- Good communication skills.
- Self-Starter a plus
- This job position is an active position and requires moderate lifting of up to 50 lbs. Sitting for extended periods of time at a machine. Must like repetitive work. Must be able to listen and follow instructions well. Must have a higher than average attention to detail. Be organized. Responsible. Friendly. There will be some interaction with customers or delivery drivers dropping/picking up orders.
- Salary: $16 to $20 / hour based on experience level. Room to grow into other positions.
- Other Compensations: 1 week paid vacation (2 weeks after 5 years), 5 Sick Days, Paid holidays (if UPS/FedEx closed we are closed)
- Experience: Shipping Experience helpful but will train right individual
- Pay Frequency: Weekly